the adventures of darren, the man-boy and the _______

warning: rarely updated :(

Saturday, September 23, 2006

i stumbled upon this on this boring lazy saturday afternoon. its JACKASS the movie 2! well there isn't really a plot to jackass the movie. Johnny Knoxville and his team of professional stuntmen find dangerous, silly and often painful stunts to pull of, and compile it into a movie. there was also a weekly show on mtv. sounds daft? well it's a hit, not only among guys. it's rather astonishing to know the extent of the degeneration of our minds and culture. its classified under humour; we actually find people inflicting pain on and laughing at themselves like total ass holes entertaining... and i'm no exception LOL.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

saturday was a great day. first off i met damian my poseur bro to catch the launch of the Cancer Warriors Project. at the mrt station i bumped into VICTOR LUM. his hair had grown long. he looked comical. he was lugging his bass and on the way to city hall to jam. whoa whoa whoa.

lum with his instrument

OP (Oh, poseur!) that's our new catchphrase

stella the editor of Lime magazine was there at the gig. she told the story of a boy who was stricken with many tumours and whose head had swollen up. it was quite heart-rending. the boy was there but i could see he could not stand properly as his muscles weren't as developed as much as they should be. i was quite concerned if he had recovered completely and if the thumping music would give him headaches.. but well the gig was fairly good. bummer that electrico didn't perform.

this is THE Project Superband! consisting a newcomer Elsa, desmond Electrico, Sean Ronin & Wayne Thunder of The Suns! Fuck off Milu Bing!!!

west grand boulevard

david and daniel were absent. one of them had in-camp training LOL

ronin gave a "lazy" performance. only four songs :(

caught a glimpse of the singapore idols. surprised the crowd wasn't hysterical..

met my class after that for dinner! it was to celebrate grace the hobbit's belated birthday. it was unusual because one, jun wei and juan ling came! and two, adeline didn't wear any OP clothes.

emokid only eats veges

the hobbits

the candy floss was on the house

greedy girl!

this girl was amusing

her eyes are bright but my teeth are brighter!


but here's a bo liao retarded video i made.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

friday i attended THE DINNER. since the army disallows servicemen from naming specific events and uploading photos where the unit's name is displayed, i shall refrain from doing just that.

Well THE DINNER served quite good food. but we had to wait long for it to arrive. and i missed out on some because i was helping my friend noel with some gay fancy dress shit. but i got to know him better in the process of designing his outfit. heh.

we were pissed off waiting for the food


our table

i designed this shit!

what in the fuck is this??

me and jason tan the best senior!