the adventures of darren, the man-boy and the _______

warning: rarely updated :(

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

yay i've been discharged!

today i was discharged from Mount Alvernia Hospital. back to normal life. i've been eating western food (no rice) for the past 4 days (cause i chose too hehe). watched tv and just laid in bed everyday.

i had been admitted for pneumonia. i had been ill since 31st Aug and throughout the holidays had really bad fever and cough. i would wake up at night coughing, it was hell. i didnt know what i was suffering from plus i had to study for the prelims after the hols. it was a depressing period. after 3 GPs and 2 courses of anti-biotics, my mum brought me to hospital on Friday 9th sept, and i was admitted. X-rays showed my left lung had white patches which indicated the infected parts. the doctor said i would've DIED if i didn't get treated. wow that's so effing unbelievable.

an observation during my stay: the people who we should pay tribute to are the nurses. their job scope is broad. taking care of patients means catering to all their needs, taking orders and serving food, taking their pulse and temperature, answering phone calls. they're on their feet all the time and always wear a smile. it's a tough job and their salary isn't very high. they really should get more recognition.

i'm really appreciative of my friends namely herng yih, juan ling, sufiyan, lydia, nurul, and cheryl and clara Sumo. they visited me and really made my day. i feel blessed to have such great friends. thank you guys! and of course not forgetting mum, dad. mum took care of me throughout this period. and last but not least you know who you are sarahehe.

now another chapter begins. its about 8 weeks to the A's. i missed prelims (which are taking place now) and the "exam experience". hope that will not be significant. and i've to embark on non-stop muggerfucker mode. sigh.